Extreme Event Game - Facilitator Certification [Tier 2]

  • Program: Cohort
  • Level: Tier 2 Cert.
  • Study time: 12hrs
Write your awesome label here.
Course overview
This course is for Tier 1 Certified Facilitators to advance their skills and abilities with LabX: Extreme Event game in an online environment with a dedicated cohort.

Apply for the following open cohorts:
  • Cohort #2022-01 (Jul-Aug 2022)
  • Cohort #2022-02 (Aug-Sept 2022)
  • Cohort #2022-03 (Oct-Nov 2022)
  • Cohort #2022-04 (Nov-Dec 2022)

  • Video time: 6 hours
  • Exams: 1

It's finally here. Let's get started!

This cohort will require approximately 2-3 hours per week (including all assignments) to complete. If joining the next cohort, the final assignment is due July 31, 2022.
Write your awesome label here.


Both the Extreme Event game itself and the Facilitator Certification Program have both won awards for innovation in the resilience-building space.

We made the list. Now come see what it's all about!

Thank you for your patience. The bridge lesson is finally here!

  • Get your Tier 2 Certification

    This is the final step to earning your Tier 2 Extreme Event Facilitator Certification!
    • New modules & guided virtual discussions (live & facilitated)
    • Asynchronous, self-guided content 
    • Video-based facilitator skills evaluation & feedbac
      (from both your peers & the Extreme Event instructional team)
    • Short answer assignments & learning checks
    • Post-Test (+80% to pass)
  • You're in one of the first cohorts!

    Upon completion, you'll be awarded a certificate of completion as well as a badge to showcase your achievement on LinkedIn, your website, resume, or other formats.

    Congratulations - you've earned it!
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